This “Acceptable Use Policy” constitutes the conditions set out by WirelessCar Sweden AB, reg. no. 556640-4785 (“WirelessCar”, “we”, “our” and “us”) for any use of the WirelessConsole Portal (“Portal”). The Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a binding agreement for any use of the Portal (the “Agreement”).

The purpose of the Portal is for it to be a productive and satisfying business tool for all registered users (“User” or “You”). The Portal offers operational and external developer documentation and tools, as well as instructions related to use of our APIs.

As a User you will have access to the Portal in order for you to understand our services. In order to gain access and right to use the Portal you need to create an account and register as a User.

When registering as a User you acknowledge your understanding of the Acceptable Use Policy and agree to the Acceptable Use Policy for your own account and on behalf of the organisation you represent. Please make sure you have the necessary authority to enter into the Agreement before proceeding.

As a User you must comply with the Acceptable Use Policy. You are responsible for maintaining the user account and password concealed. Furthermore, you are responsible for any and all content that is published by you on the Portal as well as the way you choose to use the Portal to store or process any data.

You also represent and warrant that you have validly entered into the Agreement and has the authority to do so.

You are prohibited from using, or in any way supporting others to use, the Portal and any information or data located on the Portal for

  • unlawful, fraudulent, infringing, or offensive use,
  • illegal activities, or activities that may be harmful to others, or harmful to our operations and reputation,
  • storage, distribution or in any other way make available content that infringes the intellectual property rights of us or others,
  • access of unpublished APIs,
  • deriving source code, trade secrets, or know-how in the APIs or other content of the Portal and,
  • replication or competition with core products or services offered by us.

We reserve the right to take any action we deem necessary if you violate this Acceptable Use Policy.

The Portal and any content on the Portal including all related intellectual property rights are and will remain WirelessCar’s property.

The User is granted a non-sublicensable, non-transferable, non-exclusive, limited license for the User to use the Portal in accordance with this Acceptable Use Policy and only for the purpose of understanding how to use our service.

The User grants WirelessCar an unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, sub-licensable, transferable, royalty-free license to access, use, process, copy, distribute, perform, export and display of any data created by or for the User on the Portal.

All information on the Portal or that you receive by using and accessing the Portal is considered “Confidential Information”. Exempt from Confidential Information is information that is or becomes generally available to the public without breach of any obligation to us, was knowledge to you prior to the disclosure of this Acceptable Use Policy without breach of any obligation owed to us, is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to us or was independently developed by you. The Confidential Information remains confidential indefinitely.

The User will take at least the same degree of care over the Confidential Information as it does for its own confidential information, and limit access to those employees, affiliates and contractors who need to know such information in connection with the Acceptable Use Policy. The User will not use or disclose any Confidential Information for any other purpose outside the scope of this Acceptable Use Policy.

The User may disclose Confidential Information only if it is required by applicable law or a valid order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. However, the User must notify us immediately of the existence, terms and circumstances surrounding such required disclosure so that we may seek appropriate remedy from the proper authority.

Term and termination

A User subscription continues until terminated or cancelled. The Agreement remains effective until the User account governed by the Agreement have been terminated or the Agreement itself terminates. Termination of the Agreement will terminate all User accounts.

You may at any time terminate the Agreement by providing written notice to us. We may terminate the Agreement if you are in material breach of the Agreement and such breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice of the breach. We may terminate the Agreement immediately on notice to the User if we reasonably believe that the Portal is being used by the User or its Authorized Users in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy.

Upon termination of the Agreement, all rights and licenses granted to you will terminate immediately and you shall promptly destroy copies of any information in your possession or control that was received under the Agreement. You understand that the content on the Portal is the property of WirelessCar and is the Confidential Information of WirelessCar.

Limitation of liability

WirelessCar’s aim is to make the Portal available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding planned downtime. However, the Portal is provided “as is” and “as available” and we do not warrant that the Portal or its content will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free. Furthermore, we do not provide any warranties, whether express or implied, in relation to fitness for a particular for a specific purpose or non-infringement.

WirelessCar’s aggregate liability arising out of or related to the Agreement is limited to €100. In no event will WirelessCar have any liability for indirect, consequential, special or punitive damages. The foregoing will not apply to the extent prohibited by mandatory applicable law.


We reserve the right to change the Acceptable Use Policy. In case of a material change we will notify you of the change, and in case you do not agree you are entitled to terminate your account. We may also change to the Portal and the content of the Portal. In case of material changes our intention is to give you notice hereof.